Amazing tartar with smoked salmon

Ingredients for the tartar

200 gr of smoked salmon Carpier

2 medium ripe avocados

30 gr cucumber

30 gr of capers

1 onion

1 lemon and 1 lime

3 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon Perrins

½ teaspoon tabasco sauce

2 teaspoons of mustard

1 teaspoon soy sauce

1 teaspoon chopped dill

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

¼ of green apple

1. Cut the salmon into chunks as small as possible. Add the cucumbers, capers, green onion, the green apple and avocado, all chopped fine. Mix and set aside in the fridge with the bones of the avocado.

2. Prepare tartare dressing mixing in a pot the oil, lemon juice and lime, mustard, salsa Perrins, tabasco, soy sauce salt and pepper.

3. Before serving, stir the dressing of the tartar and add it to the salmon with avocado. Mix and correct the salt and pepper. Place on plates with a mold and sprinkle the dill.